Friday, September 18, 2009

death walkers

hey all!

i just found the file i was looking for so get ready to enjoy the first part of death walkers. i still have some edits to do. if you have any suggestions fell free to mention them.

A journey to the mind

Time is always falling past us with every step we take with every breath, thought, everything we do. So it seems right that this journey begin with a fall. I stare up at the dark grey abyss above me watching the tears of the sky fell and land upon the ground then I look down to stare at not the ground but myself. A crowd has gather but they pay me no notice. I take another look and just walk away.

Today was not meant to be a day for anything just sitting back and watching the rain hit the glass of my apartment window. As I stop at a street corner flashing red lights highlight my face as they head towards the crowd. I think life is so fragile that we may try and try to hold and with a simple bump and a fall it can walk away.

“Is it your time or is it not” a dark voice whispers in my ear carried only by the wind. I try to avoid it until “is it really your time or is there something left for you?” The dark voice is taunting me I turn but there is no one there.

For some reason I could not explain I moved towards where I thought the voice was. The rain now flowing in rivers down the street still with a light tint of red to it flowing out to places unknown. I felt the wind change from pushing me back to pushing me onward. I stop in a dark ally in front of a door. I stare at the windows all cracked or broken beyond that nothing but the darkness. I start to turn away when...

“Are you sure it is your time or is they’re something better waiting on the other side?” I turn in time to see the door swing open and fall off its old rusty hinges. The wind came through the old building blasting cold air in my face.

I walk carefully into the darkness and all sounds gave way to a sudden silence. I turned to walk back out the door but now all I face is a wall. After a few more steps the silence is broken by a medley of sounds. I hear children laugh with joy, glass breaking, people yelling. It sounds so familiar. As I walk the sounds change some happy some sad screams of joy, pain, sorrow, and ecstasy.

I wonder the halls the floor give way at the departure of my feet I look to the windows but cannot see the outside world I stare up only to see pipes drip ice cold water down onto my face. When out of the corner of my eye I see a light.

I move towards towards the light as if pulled by an imaginary force I hear the dark voice one more time “that’s it your time is up time to come with me” I stop short look back in to the dark then to the light. My mind begins to race and the noise in the halls grows louder. I look up and see the pipes and then take one final look it to the light.

I jump up and grasp the pipes letting the ground beneath my feet give way and when it had I let go and fell deep in the darkness. As I fell the voices began to quiet and I thought I heard a faint no in the background but it only lasted a second. I shut my eye and let myself fall.

When I opened my eyes again I was looking down at a familiar friend. I took there had and let myself fad back in to them. I then knew that the journey was over.

hope you enjoy.

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