Wednesday, September 21, 2011

P.E.I. Election ads

Where do I start with this. On October 3rd pei is having a provincial election and to be truthful the only party that's campaign ads are not the spawn of some graphic designer/ photogrphers nightmare is the green party. You don't have a photo of the candidate but you do have all the information you need the candidates name and there party in fact the green party is so simple with there ads the only way their ads can be made better in to cut out there green logo and let your colour due the talking.

On the toppic of colour let me turn to a pair of mailers I got from the PC party for a party with progressive in the name they do believe in one step forward and two giant steps back. Your blue print you did right conservative blue your colour is working for you now here is where you screwed up "seeing red" is a very good name for this mailer because all I think when I see it is liberal I don't even care what it says just proof that colours scream way louder then words.

Now let's pick on the liberals first off your campaign posters have in no way been thought out well. To start it is never good idea to have to have someone in power look like they are sitting on their candidates left shoulder next the background our current premier loots like he has a bad case of head fungus with the provincial flag behind him and finally when you use a nice photo background of clouds it is nice if you could tell that it is a photo.

Finally to rant on the photography conservatives catch lights in the eyes and a little more focus on your background go along way. Liberals I say this all the time that consistency gose along way. First if all your candidate photos were taken by the same person I would have to put that in the political BS file. Half of you look like your orange some of you have distracting lighting mistakes, and some have their eyes out of focus. I have to say that your ad people need to go back to school or out to pasture.

I will end by saying this is all based on my opinion of the ads I don't believe in letting bad ads get between me and politics. I apologize to anyone offended by this but all I am doing is stating the facts the way I see them.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

wow am i bad at keeping this up or what

hi all

since last time a lot has happened. to start in November i was accepted into the adobe photoshop inspiration gallery 1 of 10. i graduated from Holland college in may. i went ppoc nationals in banf. and finally i started my own youtube Chanel to teach photoshop and photography.

check out alivestudiopei on youtube