Thursday, July 22, 2010

new projects

hi all just thought i would let you in on the new projects coming from ALiVe this summer and fall. first is my work for the artist trading cards. i am making a giant 2feet 4 inch high by 5 feet wide photo collage that deals with life around us and the light that fuels life its self. i have been having so much fun with this i have decided to design a whole series. at the moment i have got 2 new concepts planed out one is called power featuring Meany different kinds of energy and showing a part of the power of green. the next one is called play things and is all about play thought age. i still have ideas swirling in my brain so it will be cool to see where this leads me.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

artical i wrote

Photographer’s kit

Camera? Check, lenses? Check, filters? Check, flash? Check, tripod? Check. Sounds like a check list for an awesome day of shooting but what every day items would be best to take on a shoot gear is one thing but if you are not prepared for shooting in the filed you are not ready for any shoot. In this article I will explain what small items you should always have in a kit when going out in the filed to shoot.

We will start out with what you should have on hand for models. There are 8 things that are the very useful to have when in the filed the first few are very basic and should be in every studio that deals with models: hair elastics, bobby pins, safety pins, and a needle and thread. Hair elastics and bobby pins are two of the things a female model will ask you for the most so it is best to have them on hand with males you normally you will have no problem but they do remain unaware if a lock of hair is out of place so you may need to put it back with a bobby pin. Safety pins and a needle and thread are both very helpful to have if there is a wardrobe malfunction. This rarely happens but when it dose having these items can save your shoot.

The last four items are a little more unusual but are good things to have in a pinch: baby whips, toothpaste, a towel, and a glasses case. First we will start with toothpaste it seems odd to have in your kit but is very helpful if you model gets stung or has a pimple just simply dab a small amount on the affected area and wait a bit well you set up and do test shoots then take the baby whips and clean of the toothpaste. Toothpastes high in baking soda work best and fastest. The last two items are very convent to have at hand. A towel is good to have when doing a shoot involving water or after it just rained this also shows you are caring enough to consider the models comfort. The last is a glasses case if you need a model to take off any jewellery or their glasses this makes sure that they are kept safe and not lost out in the filed.

Your model is number one when dealing with a client but you should also protect your gear the three best items to have on hand for shooting in bad weather are: a space blanket, tent pegs, and a small plastic bag. When shooting in high wind and rain it is nice to stick your gear in a sheltered location but that is not always possible so what do you do? You reach in to you kit and pull out your space blanket and tent pegs set down your gear cover it with the space blanket and pin it down with the tent pegs. Now most pros know this but for the weekend warriors out there when it is raining take a small plastic bag cut a hole in one end for the lenses to go through stick your lenses thought the hole so very little but the face sticks out so that the body and the rest of the lens is covered and protected from rain.

The next few items are always good to have so you are ready for anything: a bungee cord, rope, knife/scissors, clamps and/or cloths pins, and duct tape. All these items can be very helpful in an outdoor shoot. Bungee cords and rope can be used to more things like tree branches out of your shot. A knife and scissors also can be used for this purpose or for cutting rope. If you used you rope clamps/ cloths pins and space blankets you can set up a change room for you mode out in the filed. The duct tape is nice to have if some thing needs to be taped up to some thing like a small flash to a tree, or it can be used to fix things.

The last few things on the list are best used for lighting: candles, matches and a flash light are all things that are perfect to have for lighting as they give you more control and are light to carry with you. The other item in you kit that can help with lighting is your space blanket as it doubles as a large reflector.

As you pack you camera bag for your next shoot remember your gear is one thing out your kit can save your shoot.