Thursday, April 22, 2010

summer work

hi all

it's me over work as normal even more so as this week i have been plagued with insomnia. i have got to reshoot some projects and get my portfolio done up time is running out. i am now working on coming up with a concept for a bridal bouquet ad. some good ideas but nothing sticking yet.
guess that's it for now see you soon.

Monday, April 12, 2010

work work work work work

hi all

i am still working hard i hope to get part of my book shot this week and a pile of school work. if that was not a ton of work to begin with i still have to finish my cute as a.. submission before the dead line. still looking for a new place to move into it has to be the right one for me i need studio space.

that's it for now
hopefully blog again soon

Thursday, April 8, 2010

big news

i am in the works to release 10 hand drawn original characters $25 each + s+h. in other news i have been over worked as normal with school so much to do so little time.

if you have not already please joint the fan page on facebook

other than that not much has happened around hear as i am planing to move to a bigger place. plans are in the works for a gallery show but no further news so far.

hopefully posting again soon.